Shawbrook Bank Personal Loans

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11248 reviews

Representative 16.9% APR

Will lend between: £1,000 - £30,000

Over: 12 - 84 Months

Company Reg: 00388466

FCA: 204574

ICO: Z5738403

Address: Lutea House, The Drive, Warley Hill Business, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3BE

About Shawbrook Bank Personal Loans

Shawbrook is a rapidly growing UK specialist bank. They challenge the conventional approach of the mainstream banks by taking a thoughtful, human approach to the way they do business and deliver a fresh approach to Personal Loans. They offer Personal Loans from £1,000 to £35,000 with repayment terms of 1-5 years for loans up to £15,000 and  up to 7 years for loans over £15,000. Wide range of rate options (7.4% - 29.4% APR).

Shawbrook believe in being transparent and fair, so when you apply for an instant quote, it won’t impact on your credit score and they will give you a clear picture of your guaranteed and personalised rate from the start. 

Mark Grimley
Written by
Mark Grimley
Head of Partnerships & Take Control Author at Choose Wisely

Mark joined Choose Wisely in 2015. He continues to work in close contact with the providers, brokers and journalists operating in the world of consumer credit.

Shawbrook Bank Personal Loans customer reviews.

11248 reviews

4.6 out of 5 stars

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